Adderley Nursery School is an integrated, inclusive, child-centred Nursery offering up to 138 FTE places to 2, 3 and 4 year olds.
Children access their Early Education Entitlement of 15 hours provision per week attending mornings, afternoons or blocked days. Eligible working parents are able to access 30 hours provision per week. The school offer wrap around breakfast and tea provision.
Our staff team of 20 includes specialist Early Years teachers and experienced practitioners.
Integration is at the core of our philosophy and practice.
1970s Adderley Nursery School and Adderley Nursery Centre (social services day-care)
1990s Integrated provision on site with one management team and structure
Early Excellence Centre 2002 An innovative development for young children and their parents and carers, bringing an integrated approach to education, day care, social support and adult learning.
Children's Centre 2005-2018 - We provided early learning, family support and adult education and outreach services to 800 children under the age of 5 and their families in our local community. Together we worked as a large integrated setting that offered a range of services to families
Teaching School 2011 - Birmingham Nursery Schools Teaching School
These are outstanding schools which have been nationally recognised for their capacity to support and help other schools to improve outcomes. The remit of teaching schools is threefold:
- Professional and leadership development
- School-led Initial Teacher Training
- School-to-school support
Teaching Schools fulfil much of their remit through the role of system leaders. These are outstanding colleagues who are committed to supporting other schools to have an impact on the outcomes and experiences of children in a whole community.
Our staff team of 20 includes specialist Early Years teachers and experienced teaching assistants, as well as a range of external partners.
We are one of 27 Birmingham Local Authority Maintained Nursery Schools which promote quality and excellence for our youngest children in Birmingham.
In 2018 we federated with other Birmingham Local Authority Maintained Nursery Schools to form The Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools:
Allens Croft Nursery School
Lillian De Lissa Nursery School
Adderley Nursery School
Jakeman Nursery School
St Thomas Centre Nursery School
Gracelands Nursery School
Shenley Fields Nursery School
Highfield Nursery School
Newtown Nursery School
We have a shared vision to achieve a single sustainable organisation, city wide, with strong strategic governance and leadership delivering an inclusive and safe child led learning experience, strong family partnerships and outstanding outcomes for all children.
Integration and Outcomes
The very first integrated provision was Hillfields Early Years Centre, Coventry which grew out of the idea of combining the very best of the nursery school practice with the qualities of a social care day nursery. This model ignited the spark which began to see other models of integrating care and education emerging from health, community, private and voluntary sectors.
In 1975 Adderley Nursery Centre opened as a result of a joint project between Education and Social Services led by head teacher of Adderley Nursery School (which had opened in 1970s) and an Officer in charge Social Services. From1975 'Adderley Nursery School and Centre' catered for 110 F.T.E. places with children being on a priority or non-priority register. The project existed in this format with staff working for the two departments cooperating to provide the best possible service to families.
At the heart of effective early year's practice lies education and those that have most impact on narrowing the gap and outcomes for children are integrated centres and nursery schools. (The Effective Provision of Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education (EPPSE) project DfE funded 1997-2013, is the first major study in the UK to investigate the effects of pre-school's positive effects of education and care on children's attainment, progress and development.
The EPPSE team collected a wide range of information on 3,000 children who were recruited at age 3+ have been studied longitudinally until the end of Key Stage 3. (19972004) More than 3,000 children were assessed at the start of pre-school have been assessed at key points until the end of Key Stage 3 in secondary school and are currently being followed through their final year of compulsory schooling and on to their post 16 educational, training and employment choices.
The first major study in the UK to focus specifically on the effectiveness of early years education.
The EPPSE project is a large-scale, longitudinal study of the progress and development of children from pre-school to post-compulsory education.
- Settings in the state educational sector have children who make (comparatively) more progress than those in the private/voluntary sector.
- In the EPPE sample, nursery schools and centres that integrated education and care rated highest on quality, (e.g. ECERS and Caregiver Interaction Scale).
- Good quality and better cognitive outcomes for children are associated with higher quality as defined by the ECERS R and E
In the most effective settings, staff had
- better knowledge of the curriculum and child development
- engaged more in 'sustained shared thinking' with children
- Supported children in talking through and resolving conflict
- Adults had warm, responsive relationships with children.
Set clear educational goals.
- Have recognised early years qualifications.
- Trained teachers are amongst the staff.
- Parents are supported in involvement in children's learning.
In the final report for EPPSE(2012) at the end of Key Stage 3 one significant finding concluded that `High quality pre-school had particular benefits for children who had a poor early years home learning environment'. (Sylva, K. Melhuish, M. Sammons, P., SirajBlatchford, and Taggart, B Institute of Education, University of London, + Birkbeck, University of London, & University of Oxford 2012)